Please Note: The following instructions were made to act as a guide/reference, if you are inexperienced with performing an automatic transmission installation it is highly recommended that you contact a certified experienced professional to perform the installation and/or make the proper adjustments for you! (You will need to re-use your speedometer gears/speed sensor if you did not purchase it with your transmission).
Transmission Installation Instructions:
- Pre-installation instructions; Disconnect Battery terminal, inspect and check transmission coolant lines for damage, flush lines and coolant system thoroughly.
- Inspect crank well for converter hub wear, and clean this area.
- Check Flywheel for cracks and converter bolt wear.
- Inspect back of engine block where transmission mates, ensure block is clean, no wires or cables are in the way of installation.
- Inspect and verify both dowel pins are clean and secure in block.
- Clean area of block so transmission can make a good ground.
“Warning” Transmission will suffer permanent damage if grounded improperly!
- Transmission Fluid: you need about 10 to 12 quarts of fluid for installation, Dextron III with Mercon is recommended, any brand name.
- Add (1) quart of transmission fluid to converter prior to installation on transmission.
Install Converter on transmission carefully; support the weight of converter to avoid damage to the pump seal. Rotate converter in a clock wise rotation as you push converter into transmission. The forward drum shaft will engage first, you may feel a clunk, continue to rotate and push converter into transmission, The pump stator shaft will engage next and finally the converter hub will engage into the pump gears, you may feel another clunk. To verify converter is installed all the way, you should have clearance between the front of the transmission bell housing and the back of the torque converter hub, about ¾ of an inch.
Ensure Converter stays in this position during installation, of the pump gears, this will cause the converter to crush the gears into the pump assembly when transmission case bolts are tightened to engine block. Note: Never use bolts to pull transmission up to engine block! “Warning” If converter moves forward, converter can move on top
- After Transmission is bolted with all (6) bolts, ensure all bolts are tight about 40 ft.lbs. rotate converter to verify free movement and turn to align with flywheel bolt holes.
- Install converter bolts, one at a time, wait until all bolts are installed before you tighten, about 30 ft.lbs.
- Install the following items before installing cross member:
- Install Vehicle Cross member to frame, align with frame holes and Transmission mount, secure cross member with factory bolts.
- Filler Tube
- Linkage
- Coolant lines (2) both tighten to 12 ft.lbs
- Throttle Valve Cable TV Cable (See separate TV instructions)
- Transmission Mount (2) both tighten to 15 ft.lbs
- Attach Lockup electrical wires to connector on Case. Driver side
Attach Computer harness to connector on Case. Pass. side
- Connect Speed-o-meter cable or wire to transmission hand tight
- Clean and check drive shaft yoke, should be smooth and straight, install drive shaft yoke into rear of transmission, attach drive shaft to rear-end, tighten bolts to 20 ft.lbs
- Install Dust Cover to front of Transmission.
- Installation complete, check all bolts attached and tight and wires are clear from exhaust and moving parts.
- Lower vehicle and add (4) quarts of transmission fluid, ensure vehicle is in Park. Connect battery and start engine and run at idle. Add (3) more quarts of transmission fluid and then check with Dip Stick, add fluid until it is at the full line on stick.
- Set TV Cable as per separate TV Instructions.
- If Computer controlled transmission, Clear Codes prior to Test Drive.
- Transmission is ready for initial Test Drive.
- Double check the transmission fluid level, add if needed, adjust TV cable as per TV instructions, and check for any leaks.
If you have any questions please contact our Tech Support Team at (801) 803-5305 ext. 2